Karien Jacobsz Karate School

Dojo Kun

Training Hall Rules

1. Seek perfection of character
Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto

2. Be faithful
Hitotsu! Makoto no michi o mamoru koto

3. Endeavour to excel
Hitotsu! Do ryoku no seishin o yashinau koto

4. Respect others
Hitotsu! Rei gi o omonzuru koto

5. Refrain from violent behaviour
Hitotsu! Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto ​

Niju Kun Principals

Niju Kun is an Okinawan martial arts term which literally translates to twenty (20) rules. Created by Gichin Funakoshi in the late 1800’s, the kun refer to twenty principles (or precepts) by which all students of Shotokan Karate are encouraged to live, practice, and teach to others.
1. Karate-do begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy
Karate-do wa rei ni hajimari, rei ni owaru koto wo wasurna

2. There is no first attack in karate
Karate ni sente nashi

3. Karate is a great assistance to [auxilliary of] justice
Karate wa gi no tasuke

4. Know yourself first, and then others
Mazu jiko wo shire, shikoshite tao wo shire

5. Spirit first; techniques second
Gijutsu yori shinjutsu

6. Always be ready to release your mind
Kokoro wa hanatan koto wo yosu

7. Misfortune [accidents] always come out of idleness [negligence]
Wazawai wa getai ni shozu

8. Do not think that karate training is only in the dojo
Dojo nomino karate to omou na

9. It will take your entire life to learn karate; there is no limit
Karate no shugyo wa issho de aru

10. Put your everyday living into karate and you will find the ideal state of existence [myo]
Arai-yuru mono wo karate-ka seyo, soko ni myo-mi ari

11. Karate is like hot water. If you do not give it heat constantly, it will again become cold water
Karate wa yu no goto shi taezu natsudo wo ataezareba moto no mizu ni kaeru

12. Do not think that you have to win. Rather, think that you do not have to lose
Katsu kangae wa motsu na makenu kangae wa hitsuyo

13. Victory depends on your ability to distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable ones
Tekki ni yotte tenka seyo

14. The battle is according to how you manoeuvre guarded and unguarded. Move according to your opponent
Tattakai wa kyo-jutsu no soju ikan ni ari

15. Think of the hands and feet as swords
Hito no te ashi wo ken to omoe

16. When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you. It is your behavior that invites trouble from them
Danshi mon wo izureba hyakuman no tekki ari

17. Beginners must master low stance and posture; natural body position for advanced
Kamae wa shoshinsha ni ato wa shizentai

18. Practicing a kata is one thing, and engaging in a real fight is another
Kata wa tadashiku jissen wa betsu mono

19. Do not forget [1] strength and weakness of power, [2] stretching and contraction of the body, and [3] slowness and speed of techniques. Apply these correctly
Chikara no kyojaku, karada no shinshuku, waza no kankyu wo wasaruna

20. Always think and devise ways to live the precepts every day
Tsune ni shinen kufu seyo